With all the new high tech devices coming on the market,the way we use and view the internet is changing fast. We can now customize our web browsing just for ourselves. Go anywhere,view anything, listen to everything and talk to anyone with just one touch,and you can do it anywhere. This is totally unbelievable! All of us older folks see all these young people playing with their smart phones and shake our heads .If we knew half of what they were doing we would be amazed.Technology is changing fast. What does this all mean for their future, I don't know,but one thing I am sure of you can be much more productive,and live a much better life using the latest tech .It can also be a terrible waste of time and become very addicting. These new tablets and smart phones can also save you tons of money,and make going to the store fun. From Wal Mart to your local grocery store I guarantee there is an app for it.,no matter where you live. If you truly want to cut your bills way way down I suggest you look in to one of these products.Smart phones are to small for an old guy like me to use comfortably so I have been using and testing a cheap 7" tablet.and I can say it is remarkable.No monthly fees with the built in wifi, also will connect to 3g service if I want it to be my cell phone,although I must say it is a little big for that. Some people might want a bigger tablet like a 10" but I find the 7" just fine for me. If you would like to look in to one of these mobile tablets I have posted a couple of links down below. I think they will pay for themselves in no time. On my home page I posted a article of what you might want in a tablet computer. Also here is a link that can answer all your questions. Again THANKS for coming by the website.JC http://www.wisegeek.com/related/?kw=Unlocked+Wireless+Plans&rt=ChBNaRtqAAtDKwrlcOZhHUfIEhdVbmxvY2tlZCBXaXJlbGVzcyBQbGFucxoIKRId425FZG0oAVITCODF2vSQpqcCFWN95Qod3hkokg&url=http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-unlocked-cell-phones.htm